Choosing a business name.

Choosing a business name is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Through steps such as brainstorming, research and refining, you can find a name that accurately represents your business and resonates with your clients.

10 steps to the perfect business name

I can work with you to offer some guidance on choosing a business name. Here are some steps we can work through to find the perfect name for your business:


Start by brainstorming a list of potential names for your business. Write down any ideas that come to mind, even if they seem silly or unlikely. You can refine the list later on.

Define your brand

Think about your brand and what it represents. What are your core values and mission? What sets you apart from your competitors? Use this information to guide your name choices. This can also be used when you move on to branding your business and think about a logo, colours, fonts, imagery, tone of voice etc. 

Research your industry

Look at the names of other businesses in your industry to get a sense of what works and what doesn’t. Identify any trends or common themes that you can use or avoid.

Consider your target audience

Your business name should appeal to your target audience. Consider the age, gender, income level, and other demographics of your ideal customer. Choose a name that resonates with them,  for example, if you run a high class bakery, a name like “The Artisan Baker” or “The Upper Crust” would be more relevant than “XYZ Inc.”

Make it memorable

A memorable name is essential for building brand recognition. When choosing a business name, try to find a name that is easy to remember and pronounce. Avoid long or complicated names that are hard to spell or say.

choosing a business name
choosing a business name

Make it scalable

Your business name should be flexible enough to accommodate your growth and expansion plans. Avoid using a name that is too narrow or limited to a specific product or location. For instance, if you plan to expand your business beyond a particular city or county, avoid using that location in your business name.

Check availability

Before finalising your name, check to make sure it is available as a domain name and on social media platforms. You may also need to check if the name is trademarked or being used by another business.

Get feedback

Share your list of potential names with friends, family, and colleagues to get feedback. You can also conduct surveys or focus groups to get more detailed feedback.

Refine your list

Based on feedback and research, narrow down your list to your top three to five choices. Consider how each name would look in a logo or on marketing materials.

Choose a winner

After considering all the factors, choose a business name that best represents your brand and will resonate with your target audience. Make sure the name aligns with your brand values and mission.


Logo design
Brand refresh/Rebranding 
Brand guidelines


Marketing materials
Brochures & Catalogues
Advertising & Copywriting
Annual reports & Proposal documents
Business cards & Stationery


Website design (visuals only)
Website design & build
Social media design
Email newsletter design
Power Point presentations
Website banner design
Banner ads
Digital documents